2/30 Roma St, North Epping NSW 2121

02 9869 4533
Financial Advisers
Guenther Goetz : Guenther F Goetz & Co Pty Ltd
ABN: 38 131 483 111
2/30 Roma Street
North Epping NSW 2121
(E) guenther@uniqueadvisers.com.au
(P) 02 9869 4533
(M) 0414 914 624
Guenther is the founding principal of Unique Advisers Pty Ltd which was established in 2008 and continues to be a senior private client adviser for the firm.
Guenther is a practicing qualified Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia and a Certified Financial Planner – CFP.
With strong expertise in assisting individuals and corporations with their superannuation and pension benefits, investments and insurance requirements.
Guenther is a proud member of the Financial Planning Association.
Guenther’s other interests include spending time on the water and with his family, relaxing over a bottle of wine and trying to play golf. Also a keen Swans supporter.
Harry Ng : Achieve Plus Pty Limited
ABN: 30 913 274 517
Harry has been involved in the Financial Services industry since 1986 and commenced his financial planning business in 2003.
Harry’s qualifications and professional association memberships are:
• Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA)
• Financial Planner AFP® (FAAA member #333933)
• ASIC compliant under RG/(PS) 146
• Tax (financial) adviser (#26071055)
• Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) /Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) 1984 - 2014
• Bachelor of Commerce
HID Financial Services Pty Ltd
ABN: 49 231 584 132
Suite 1, Level 3, 313 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122
(P) 03 9029 0222
Our passion for helping others is highlighted by our approach to develop a deep understanding of our client’s values and financial situations. We develop your financial goals and create integrated strategies to optimise your financial outcomes with agreed risks and convert the complex world of money management into your language.
We are privileged to be invited into people's lives. Being your trusted adviser in your financial affairs means we are transparent and deliver truly comprehensive financial services. With our team of qualified financial staff you will be empowered to not only take back control of your financial decisions; you will also learn the lifelong skills of money management.
Our approach takes a holistic and systematic view of your family’s wealth; recognising the dynamic interaction between the individuals and their environment and how these influence and impact on each other in a continuous, synergistic and dynamic way.
Our Financial Advisers are:
Cameron Stevens
Financial Planning and SMSF Specialist
Cameron Stevens has worked in the financial services industry for over 30 years.
He holds a BA of Adult and Vocational Education, a Certified Financial Planner and a Self Managed Superannuation Fund specialist adviser.
He has been a long term member of the Financial Planning Association and a specialist adviser and member of Self Managed super funds professional association.
Cameron has built one of the largest financial planning, life and general insurance brokering groups in Australia. He has assisted business and individuals in managing financial position for over 20 years. He was instrumental in establishing ‘family superannuation funds’ within one of Australia’s largest private banking business. His passion for helping others is highlighted by his approach which converts the complex world of money management into your language.